Group Discounts


Keep track of everyone ALL IN ONE PLACE

Become a Group Administrator Means, You can:

*Purchase more than 1 training and AUTOMATICALLY became a Group Administrator 

Bulk Purchase Pricing Discount Per License

Bulk Purchase Pricing
Discount Per License

Number of Students
Food Manager
Diamond Package
Food Manager
Gold Package
Texas Food Manager
Training & Exam
Food Manager
Exam Only
Texas Food Manager
Exam Only
Food Handler
Alcohol Training
1 - 9
Starting $6.95
Starting $7.95
10 - 19
$109.95 ($10 off)
$89.95 ($10 off)
$64.95 ($10 off)
$59.95 ($10 off)
$24.95 ($5 off)
Starting $6.95
Starting $7.95
20 - 29
$109.95 ($10 off)
$89.95 ($10 off)
$64.95 ($10 off)
$59.95 ($10 off)
$24.95 ($5 off)
Starting $6.95
$1.00 off
30 - 49
$109.95 ($10 off)
$89.95 ($10 off)
$64.95 ($10 off)
$59.95 ($10 off)
$24.95 ($5 off)
$1.00 off
$1.00 off
50 - 99
$104.95 ($15 off)
$84.95 ($15 off)
$59.95 ($15 off)
$54.95 ($15 off)
$22.95 ($7 off)
$1.25 off
$2.00 off
100 - 199
$99.95 ($20 off)
$79.95 ($20 off)
$54.95 ($20 off)
$49.95 ($20 off)
$22.95 ($7 off)
$1.50 off
$3.00 off
200 - 299
$89.95 ($30 off)
$69.95 ($30 off)
$44.95 ($30 off)
$39.95 ($30 off)
$19.95 ($10 off)
$2.00 off
$3.00 off
300 - 499
$89.95 ($30 off)
$69.95 ($30 off)
$44.95 ($30 off)
$39.95 ($30 off)
$19.95 ($10 off)
$2.50 off
$3.00 off
$89.95 ($30 off)
$69.95 ($30 off)
$44.95 ($30 off)
$39.95 ($30 off)
$19.95 ($10 off)
$3.00 off
$3.00 off

Watch a 1 minute video to see what you can do

Enroll Students One by One or Bulk Enroll Students Instantly


User Friendly Enrollment Process


From One Dashboard:

1. Monitor Student Activity

2. Download Certificates

3. Resend Training Links

4. Change Names or Change Email Addresses

5. Delete Unused Trainings



Satisfaction Guarantee

Online Interactive Course

Meets and Exceeds State Guidelines

Price Match Guarantee

Owners and Managers: Manage,  Track and Record Employee Progress


Limited Time Offer:

Free Food Allergen Awareness Training! 

Get Your Allergen Certificate for Free