Alcohol Server Certification
- Approved and Accredited in California
Alcohol Training Reviews
No Title
No Title
Well organized presentation
Concise information presented in an easy to follow format.
Too Long
Only wish there was a heads up on length of time before starting
informative, easy to understand
The ABC's of RBS
Excellent job at providing all the necessary information to be a responsible beverage server. Thank you.
It was Good
It was very straight forwards my only issue was with the speed it felt to slow for me, a custom speed option would be perfect.
Great course
Easy and informative
No Title
Great information which I should know about
No Title
No Title
Very easy to follow
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No Title
beverage service
the training course was very helpful, and very user friendly
it was a long training but with everything that i need to know
No Title
Informative & Easy to Navigate
Very intuitive and easy to use. Thank you!
Very well organized with graphics and sound.
I recommend this course.
California Responsible Beverage Service Training
- Approved by California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control
- Alcohol Server Training
- Satisfies Responsible Beverage Service training requirements for AB1221
- Online course available, anytime, anywhere, 7 days a week
- Stop and Start Anytime
- 70% Exam Score to Pass
- Certificate of Completion instantly emailed upon successful completion
- Course Duration: 1.5 Hour
- Owners and Managers: Keep track of all employees in one area
- Group Registrations: Keep track of all employees in one area
- Languages Available: English, Spanish
Group Discounts
Steps to Get California Alcohol Server Certified
- Create and Account with California RBS Portal
- Submit an application and the $3.00 application fee
- Register for an RBS training course directly on our site at
- The CA RBS exam must be completed within 30 days of course completion
- 70% exam score or higher to pass
- 3 chances to pass the exam
RBS Training Program - What is it?
Passage of Assembly Bill 1221 in 2017 created the Responsible Beverage Service Training Program Act. The bill required the Alcoholic Beverage Control to create the Responsible Beverage Service Training Program (RBSTP) to ensure servers and their managers of alcoholic beverages are educated on the dangers of serving alcohol to minors and over-serving alcohol to patrons with the intention of reducing alcohol-related harm to local communities. The new mandate creates a new training requirement for alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers at an estimated 56,000 ABC licensees with on-premises alcohol sales privileges. The alcohol servers and managers who work at those locations must register with the ABC, be trained, pass an exam, and be certified by August 31, 2022, or 60 days after their first date of employment. The passing of Assembly Bill 82, on June 29, 2020, extended the date in which this requirement is enacted to beginning July 1, 2022. This change was made to alleviate the financial strain on the hospitality industry caused by the COVID-19 state of emergency.
Beginning July 1, 2022, any alcohol server and their manager must have a valid RBS certification from an ABC accredited RBS training provider and pass an online ABC administered RBS exam within 60 calendar days from the first date of employment.
Visit the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to learn more about the program.
Education is the best tool to prevent, minimize, or eliminate foodborne illnesses and food hazards.
Improve critical thinking and decision making to prevent or avoid sticky situations.
Education is the best tool to prevent, minimize, or eliminate foodborne illnesses and food hazards.
Be able to recognize, mitigate, reduce or eliminate the risk of improper food safety procedures.
Reducing food safety complaints will create a happier workplace and in turn increase productivity.
Serving safe food will increase productivity will in turn increase workplace satisfaction.
Satisfaction Guarantee
Online Interactive Course
Meets and Exceeds State Guidelines
Price Match Guarantee
Owners and Managers: Manage, Track and Record Employee Progress
Our team holds more than 35 years of experience in food handler, food manager training and management.
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• • (714) 592-4100